The Importance of Recognition

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The Importance of Recognition

Hadarat Global
Published by Hadarat Global in Recognition Importance · 28 February 2022
Tags: RecognitionImportance
"People work for money but go the extra mile for recognition, praise and rewards."
-Dale Carnegie
Recognition initiatives are effective methods to focus on the positives, sending ordinary people, that are doing exceptional work in their respective fields, a clear message that what they’re doing matters. These programs encourage these people to set and reach even higher goals and aspirations.

Recognition is defined as conveying a token of thanks, appreciation and acknowledgement of achievement, service, and merit. Recognizing people for their good work sends an extremely powerful message to the recipient, their work team, other employees, families, friends, local communities, funders, investors, and the business community through the grapevine and formal communication channels. Recognising people for their contribution is, therefore, a powerful communication technique.

"Recognition is not a scarce resource. You can't use it up or run out of it."
-Susan M. Heathfield
What’s critical is that we as humans celebrate success. Those who perform must be recognized. Their behaviour and its results must be reinforced. Awarding and Recognition is one of the most important things we can do to empower the people around us, ourselves, and the communities in which we engage.

Recognising people’s contribution is the principle of social proof in action, a term pioneered by social psychology professor Robert Cialdini. He defined the principle as: “We view a behaviour as correct in a given situation to the degree that we see others performing it.” for their achievements embodies the principle by showing to others in a tangible way that a person’s efforts have been outstanding and worthy.

There are two aspects to recognition:
1.    The first aspect is to see, identify or realise an opportunity to honour someone. If you are not in a receptive frame of mind you can easily pass over many such opportunities. This happens all too frequently.
2.    The other aspect is, of course, the physical act of doing something to acknowledge and praise people for their good work.

"Brains, like hearts, go where they are appreciated." --Robert McNamara

Conducting formal rewards and recognition program has tremendous benefits:
1.    Increase motivation
2.    Shows appreciation
3.    Encourage friendly competition
4.    Improves productivity
5.    Creates a positive environment
6.    Displays to others as to what is possible

One such initiative is the Woman of Stature Awards in association with Hadarat Global Business Innovation Leadership Summit (HGBIL). These awards acknowledge women who significantly contribute to the advancement of women in various fields. Woman of Stature Awards is reserved for influential women leaders, across diverse spectrums of emerging economies, who have demonstrated extraordinary commitment and significant contributions to community development, economic and environmental sustainability, as well as ceaseless efforts in promoting gender diversity and equity, making inroads for other women and girls in the society.

These programmes aim to encourage self and professional growth and entrepreneurship. They recognise individuals who embody integrity, excellence, emotional and professional maturity, selflessness, and empathy.
"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm." --Ralph Waldo Emerson,

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